Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Meeting with Jon to start putting together a plan to setup enclosures. Found one ~200 gallon tank that should fit the needs of the project. He recommended that we setup in aquarium room but need to speak with Greg to verify. Tank is current located in storage in salmon hatchery and will need to be transferred over. Jon is not available to do so until next week so we are planning to move everything then. Will need to locate equipment to setup overflow and add circulation to the tank.

Jon also recommended finding a different food supply since culturing my own is not plausible for the size of experiment. I noticed in my reading (posts 7/7) that the Pens may not actually feed on phytoplankton but mainly detritus so their are many options to look into.

Learned I cannot collect specimens by myself because of permit needed. Uw has a permit but only certain individuals are covered under that permit. Will speak with Greg to see if he is willing to collect specimens for me. May need to look into getting a collection permit for myself for current and future research.

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